1. What is meant in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Exhort your dying ones to say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah”?
**2. Is it essential to be present at the moment a person dies, and what should those who are present do?
**3. In my culture people read sura Yaseen in groups before and after people die. I would like to know if whether this is based on sunnah or an innovation?
4. Is it prescribed for those who are present with a dying Muslim to recite Soorat Yaa-Seen for him, because it makes it easier for the soul to depart. Is there any evidence for that?
5. Does the Shaytaan call the dying person to become a non-muslim? And what is meant by the “trials of death”?
***6. What is meant by the deceased being tormented because of his family’s crying for him?
****7. What to do if someone dies suddenly in your house
8. If a person dies due to failure of his digestive system then he is a shaheed (martyr)
9. Is the one who dies in a car accident a martyr (shaheed)?
10. What is the ruling on one who dies in a state of janaabah?
**11. Does weeping and shedding tears for the deceased cause him any harm?
12. In case of death of a person, it is practiced by some group of Muslims who follow Hanafi madhab in India that the society forbids-do not allow the wife of the person to see her own husbands dead body.Is there any authentic hadith that confirms this? Please explain.
13. Ruling on extracting the foetus from a dead woman
14. Is there a reward for preparing the deceased for burial?
15. Taking the deceased back to his homeland
**16. Is it permissible to trim the moustache, armpit hairs, nails and pubic hairs of the deceased?
17. What is the ruling on reading Qur’aan over the deceased and placing the Mus-haf on his stomach?
18. What is the ruling on starting to wash the deceased with soap and shampoo if there is a lot of dirt on him?
19. What is the ruling on cleaning the teeth of the deceased with miswaak?
20. Is it permissible to be paid for washing the deceased?
21. Ghusl for deceased who is burned
22. Should ghusl be done for a woman who dies in childbirth or immediately afterwards?
23. Should the person who has been killed wrongfully, like the shaheed, not be washed or prayed for, or should he be washed and prayed for (janaazah or funeral prayer)?
24. Should the funeral prayer be offered for the shaheed when he is killed?
25. How a woman is to be shrouded
26. Is it permissible to shroud a man in a chemise?
27. Should the shaheed be washed and shrouded?
28. If the deceased is poor, who should pay the expenses of shrouding him, washing him and burying him etc?
29. Ruling on making death announcements from mosque minarets via loudspeaker
30. What are the kinds of death announcement that are permissible and forbidden? Is announcing the death of a person in the mosque haraam?
31. Permissibility of announcing death in chat rooms for the purpose of receiving condolences
32. Ruling on placing death notices on the board in the mosque
33. Perfuming the deceased and applying bukhoor to the shroud for men and women
34. Reserving one's grave
35. Some people wear black clothes when someone close to them dies. Is this a kind of bid’ah (innovation) or is it proven in the Sunnah?.
36. Ruling on visiting a sick kaafir and attending his funeral
**37. Please explain to us how the funeral prayer is to be offered, as reported from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
38. If one misses some of the takbeers of the funeral prayer
39. Ruling on reciting al-Faatihah during the Janaazah (funeral) prayer
40. Where the imaam should stand for the funeral prayer?
****41. How to offer the funeral prayer over more than one grave
42. Opening du’aa’ in the funeral prayer
**43. Is there any benefit in having a large number of people to pray the funeral prayer?
44. Is it permissible to offer the funeral prayer in the mosque?
45. Ruling on women praying the janaazah (funeral) prayer
46. Funeral prayer for a child
47. Can one avoid funeral ceremony of a cruel Person?
48. What is the ruling on stating the gender of the deceased, whether male or female, when offering the funeral prayer for him or her?
49. How should we make du’aa’ in the funeral prayer if it is offered for a male or a female or for two people, or if the deceased is a child?
50. Can the funeral prayer be offered for one who did not pray?
**51. Can they offer the funeral prayer over one who did not pray for fear of fitnah that may result if they do not do it?
52. What is the ruling on travelling in order to offer the funeral prayer?
There is nothing wrong with that.
53. How to make up what one has missed of the janaazah (funeral) prayer
54. Offering the funeral prayer for the deceased several years after the burial
55. When a person dies and the funeral prayer is not offered for him
56. When is it prescribed to offer the funeral prayer in absentia?
57. Offering the funeral prayer over the grave when visiting it
**58. If a family member dies overseas, what should the family do over here? 1. can we perform the janaza prayer, that means there will be two janaza prayers, one overseas and one here. Is it allowed? 2. Are we allowed to read the quran together and hopefully the blessing will go to the deceased? 3. Do we have to do a special Quran reading and invite people for a meal after three days and after 40 days also?
**59. What is the ruling on covering the bier with a cover on which are written some Qur’aanic verses or “Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah”?
**60. When following a funeral cortege some people raise their voices and ask the people to say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (there is no god except Allaah) or Allaahu akbar (Allaah is Most Great). What is the ruling on that?
**61. Bid’ah of reciting Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah when following a funeral procession
**62. Ruling on Competing to carry the bier (A coffin along with its stand)
63. Carrying the deceased on a bier made of iron
64. Following the funeral processions of those who worshipped graves
65. Following the funeral procession of one who used to pray to graves for help
66. Following the funeral procession of a kaafir
67. Attending the funeral of a non-Muslim relative in the church
**68. Is it permissible to delay burying the deceased until some of his relatives come from other cities, at their request?
69. What is the ruling on giving the adhaan at the graveside?
70. Ruling on burying the deceased in a coffin
**71. Is it permissible to bury the dead at night?
**72. What is the correct way of burying the deceased in the shaqq [trench] & lahd (niche)?
**73. According to the Sunnah, what should be said at the burial?
74. Who is the one who should lower the deceased into the grave?
**75. Should the deceased be turned to face the Qiblah when he dies?
76. What is the ruling on untying the knots in the grave and exposing the face of the deceased in the grave?
77. Once the deceased has been placed in the grave, is it permissible to uncover his face or should we leave it covered?
***78. Covering the grave of a woman when she is placed in it
***79. Is it permissible to remove the bones of the deceased from the grave in order to bury someone else in it?
**80. How should supplication be offered for the deceased after burying him and leveling the soil on the grave -- sitting or standing? Which of them is better?
***81. Should prayer for the deceased at the grave be offered together?
82. It is not allowed to plant trees on graves
***83. It is not prescribed to put palm-leaf stalks or flowers on graves
**84. Should we place green leaves on graves so that the punishment of the deceased may be reduced?
85. Ruling on reading Qur’aan at the graveside and putting roses and fragrant herbs on the grave
86. Does a tree growing on the grave indicate that the deceased person was righteous?
87. Burial of one who dies at sea
88. Where should a Christian woman be buried who was pregnant by her Muslim husband?
89. Burying one who neglected prayer with the Muslims
90. Burying innovators in the graveyards of Ahl al-Sunnah
91. Burying a kaafir in the Muslim graveyard
92. Burying kaafirs
93. It is haraam to bury the dead inside mosques
94. Is it prescribed in Islam to give a speech or exhortation at the graveside?
**95. Is it permissible to put a piece of metal or a marker on a grave on which is written verses of the Qur’aan in addition to the name of the deceased and the date of his death, etc.?
**96. Is it permissible to put a marker on a grave so that it will be known whose grave it is?
**97. Is it permissible to buy land so that he may be buried in it when he dies?
98. If there is no Muslim graveyard or there is one but it is too expensive, where should the Muslim be buried?
99. Muslim being washed and buried with the kuffaar
100. What is the ruling on sprinkling water on the grave after burying the dead, justifying this by saying that it makes the dust solid on the grave? Does it make it cool for the dead?
101. Is it permissible to bury the husband with his wife in one grave?
102. What is the Islamic ruling on the family of the deceased standing in a single row after the burial is completed, in order to receive condolences from people?
103. Is it permissible to play a part in establishing a venue for condolence gatherings and other occasions?
**104. Some people offer condolences by saying, “May the rest of his life be added to your life”
**105. If I want to visit my father’s grave, what should I do? What is the etiquette of visiting graveyards? Are there any things I should pay attention to?
106. Wailing and visiting graves
107. Praying at graves and the conditions of intercession
108. Is it permissible to face the grave when making du’aa’ for its occupant?
109. Permissibility of women visiting graves
110. What is the ruling on singling out Fridays for visiting graves?
**111. It is sufficient to greet the dead with salaam once when first entering the graveyard
112. What is the ruling on walking in the graveyard wearing shoes?
113. Ruling on answering the call of nature in a graveyard
114. What is the ruling on a Muslim visiting the graves of kaafirs?
115. I wanted to know if it is wrong to miss someone who has died?
116. Are there any saheeh ahaadeeth which speak of the ransoming of the living and the dead during Ramadaan?
117. Can I offer udhiyah (sacrifice) on behalf of my deceased parents?.
**118. What is the ruling on eulogizing the dead and holding parties and gatherings for that purpose?.
**119. Ruling on reciting Qur’aan for another person, living or dead
120. Is a child obliged to pay off his parent’s debt?
121. Ruling on offering condolences and thanking people for condolences in newspapers and magazines
122. Opening the grave and scattering seeds in it
123. Ruling on excavating graves
124. What is the ruling on making food during the period of mourning? What is the ruling on guests of the household eating the food that has been brought to them?
125. Ruling on giving clothing or money to the family of the deceased instead of giving them food
126. Is it permissible for a scholar to attend condolence gatherings to encourage the family of the deceased to be patient, remind them of the transience of this world, explain to them the benefits of patience, and console them so that the condolence gathering will become like one of the gardens of Paradise?
**127. Is setting a date to meet and read the entire Qur’aan for a deceased person and to pray for him, and doing this every year a bid‘ah.?
**128. Rulings on the mourning of a woman whose husband has died
**129. What is the ruling on what many people do nowadays: if a family member dies the family gathers in his house and people come to offer them condolences?
**130. What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary? Is there any evidence that eulogizing is acceptable in Islam?
**131. In the indo Pak bangladesh subcontinent, there is something in the culture where if any Muslim dies then after 40 days we observe a day of supplication and rememberance of that person so I would like to know the islamic ruling on these kind of observences?
**132. Gathering in the house of the deceased and offering a collective du’aa’ for him
133. Munkar (denounced) actions during mourning ceremonies
**134. Rulings on organizing a gathering to remember the deceased
135. Offering condolences to the family of a sinner
136. Offering condolences to a non-Muslim on the death of a relative
137. Does mentioning the deceased and grieving over him harm him in his grave?
**138. Is it permissible to offer a sacrifice for the dead?
139. What is the correct way to do ‘Umrah on behalf of my deceased father after I do it for myself?
140. Is it possible to send someone else to do Hajj on behalf of the deceased instead of his son?
141. I give out money on my father's behalf (deceased). I would like to do good for my father, what else can I do other than feed a Muslim for the month of Ramadan?
142. What can benefit the deceased after his death? Can he hear what the living say?
143. Benefitting the deceased by giving charity on his behalf
144. What is the ruling on reciting al-Faatihah and giving the reward for it to the deceased?
***145. Can I do some dhikr, praying that the reward for that will be give to my father and mother? My father has died and my mother is still alive.
146. Giving the reward for acts of worship to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
147. When I read the Holy Qur'aan I would like my relatives who passed away to benefit from my reading ?
148. Can I divide my hasanaat (reward for good deeds) into three parts - one third for me, one third for my mother and one third for my father?
149. If a person offers a sacrifice on behalf of his deceased father or gives charity on his behalf or prays for him, and visits his grave, will he be aware that it is from his son so-and-so?
150. Ruling on ‘ataaqah or reading Qur’aan for the dead
**151. What is the ruling on reading Qur’aan over graves? Saying du’aa’ for the deceased at the graveside? Saying du’aa’ for oneself at the graveside?
**152. Ruling on reading Qur’aan over the grave of a dead person
**153. Reading Qur’aan together, giving good deeds to the dead, and al-Mawlid al-Nabawi (celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him))
154. How to write a will
155. What is the shar‘i wording of the will?
156. Is it permissible for the heirs to agree on males and females taking equal shares?
157. What is narrated in saheeh ahaadeeth about the description of Munkar and Nakeer?
158. If a woman passes by a graveyard, should she say salaam to the occupants?
There is nothing wrong with her reciting the du’aa’ narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (“Al-salaamu ‘alaykum ahl al-diyaar…”)
159. Women’s bad behaviour in graveyards
**160. How can he seek the forgiveness of one who has died?
**161. Salutations at graves
163. Is it permissible to pray for one who committed suicide?
164. Ruling on suicide and on offering the funeral prayer and praying for one who has committed suicide
***165. Rulings on miscarried foetus
166. Before she died, my wife miscarried a foetus aged four months. She took the foetus and buried it without praying for it. Please advise me as to whether I have to do anything.
167. Is there any report that more souls are taken during Sha’baan?
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