
Monday, 23 September 2013


  1. This Islamic ruling doesn’t apply because my reading of the past 200 year history of the Muslim world shows they didn’t apply it .
  2. This Islamic ruling doesn’t apply because all these pictures of Muslim scholars show they didn’t apply it .
  3. This Hadith is fabricated because I don’t like how it sounds based on my ethnocentric perspective of the world .
  4. 1100 years of Muslim scholars were all wrong, except for those 10 I managed to dig up because they fit my biased conclusions .
  5. I don’t differentiate b/w relative or absolute rational judgements. Hence, they’re all absolute & my Islam will be based on that .
  6. This Hadith doesn’t make sense to me because my limited knowledge of the world is actually unlimited. So I’ll reject it! .
  7. I’ve been studying Islam very intensely…through Google searches. So I’m an expert scholar now who can do Hadith criticism! .
  8. This scholar says things that fit well with my biased views for or against Islam. Finally, someone who speaks for true Islam! .
  9. This Hadith doesn’t fit with what scientists say. It’s decision time: leave Islam or reject science…no 3rd choice allowed! .
  10. Mastery of Arabic is not required to understand the Quran or Hadith, and can in fact be skipped altogether. .
  11. I only have enough time to study Arabic. But I’ll spend it investigating different Hadith narrations & their chains .
  12. I’m faced with a paradox. But I’ll treat it as a contradiction and disregard the whole thing so I don’t have to think about it. .
  13. I never studied Islamic creed or logic. So I’ll make everything I find perplexing in Islam a creedal or logical issue. .
  14. I’ve only been exposed to Islam based on how it’s applied within my culture. Hence, this is how Islam must be applied everywhere .
  15. I never heard of women scholars in Islam. Hence, they don’t exist! .
  16. I know Islam is transmitted through people all the way back to the Prophet PBUH. But I’ll ignore that & got at it alone! .
  17. I’m too impatient to sit with teachers of Sacred Knowledge. But I’ll pretend my impatience is really being too intelligent. .
  18. Islam didn’t come to rectify a culture. It came to completely wipe it out & exchange it for an Arab or Indian subcontinent one! .
  19. If I don’t comprehend the wisdom behind a ruling, I will not act upon it until further notice. .
  20. I will equivocate between using the intellect to understand the text and using the intellect to rule over the text. .
  21. I will pretend the Quran restricts submission to God by having understood the ruling & its wisdom before submitting. .
  22. I will create a conception of what understanding is based on my own criteria for it, then restrict my submission accordingly. .
  23. I will pretend I’m as intelligent as the most brilliant minds that came before me & my conclusions are equal in weight to theirs .
  24. I will claim my skepticism to be a form of humility so I don’t have to act upon & say what I truly believe. .
  25. I will pretend that my way of thinking as moulded by my secular education has not affected my view of Islam as a Muslim .
  26. I will confuse my arrogance for being a critical thinker in order to justify my inability to submit to a ruling. .
  27. I will not trouble myself with going through why scholars differed in opinions so I can pretend my conjectures are valid. .
  28. I will pretend that I don’t subconsciously think the West’s cornering of religion is also the answer for Muslims to improve .
  29. I will pretend that my thinking that my intellect is absolute & unlimited is not just a form of deifying myself. .
  30. I will exercise judgments over Islamic texts without getting any training over how they’re supposed to be approached. .
  31. I will pretend that when I read the Quran & Hadith, what I understood didn’t pass through my own intellect & hence is absolute. .
  32. I will make Islam all about legal rulings. .
  33. I will pretend that the only proper Muslims are those who I agree with and agree with me. The rest are in serious trouble. .
  34. I will pretend that when a shaykh talks, he’s transcendent & doesn’t have personal biases or limitations. .
  35. In science, the explanations of observations are exactly the same as the observations. .
  36. I will debate against people in subjects that I don’t understand. Then I’ll pretend my confusion is due to weakness in Islam. .
  37. I grew up in a Muslim household… So I know Islam. .
  38. I never went past first year biology. Hence, I’m qualified to debate against PhD holders in evolutionary biology. .
  39. I hardly recite the Quran outside of Ramadan. I’ll pretend that has nothing to do with my increasing doubts. .
  40. Trust me, I’m an engineer, and what you’re doing is BID’AH. .
  41. I will claim that the Earth doesn’t have enough resources while I take other people’s share of it. .
  42. I own A translation of the Quran and A translation of Bukhari. Bismillah, so what’s your question again? .
  43. I will pretend that Islam is a person who I speak on behalf of on all matters regardless of my lack of training. .
  44. Beard, check. Shorter garments, check. Kufi, check. Recitation, so so.. but check. Hadith, in English. Result = Scholar! .
  45. I will talk about Andalusia & the Golden Age of Islam for nostalgia, & Signs of the End of Time coming, all to escape my present .
  46. The only thing that matters for a Muslim woman is that she wears a hijab or a niqab. Nothing else matters…Nothing! .
  47. I will use people that seem to be exceptions to a trend who in reality were products of that trend, to refute there’s a trend .
  48. An argument that makes me laugh at the opposing side is a logical argument. .
  49. A universal truth can only be accessible by a few people who can do upper level theoretical mathematics. .
  50. Modern science is not built on premises from a philosophical platform that was set in place during the 18th and 19th centuries. .SOURCE :

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