
Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Shaykh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani:

"The parents should not hinder the girls from learning to read and write, on the condition that they are brought up Islamically. There is no difference between girls and boys in this question. To hinder girls from this means that their rights are abused and they are humiliated."

(as-Sahihah 1/347)

During the lifetime of the Prophet, many women had been not only the instance for the evolution of many traditions, but had also been their transmitters to their sisters and brethren in faith. [al-Khatib, Sunna, 53-4, 69-70.] 

After the Prophet's death, many women Companions, particularly his (s.a.w) wives, were looked upon as vital custodians of knowledge, and were approached for instruction by the other Companions, to whom they readily dispensed the rich store which they had gathered in the Prophet's company. The names of Hafsa, Umm Habiba, Maymuna, Umm Salama, and A'isha, are familiar to every student of hadith as being among its earliest and most distinguished transmitters. [al-Khatib, Sunna, 18,21]

In particular, A'isha is one of the most important figures in the whole history of hadith literature - not only as one of the earliest reporters of the largest number of hadith, but also as one of their most careful interpreters. [Ibn Sa'd, VIII, 355.] 

In the period of the Successors (Tabaa'en - who learnt from the Sahaabas), too, women held important positions as traditionists. Hafsa, the daughter of Ibn Sirin [Ibn Sa'd, VIII, 355]

Umm al-Darda the Younger (d.81/700), and 'Amra bin 'Abd al-Rahman, are only a few of the key women traditionists of this period. Umm al-Darda' was held by Iyas ibn Mu'awiya, an important traditionist of the time and a judge of undisputed ability and merit, to be superior to all the other traditionists of the period, including the celebrated masters of hadith like al-Hasan al-Basri and Ibn Sirin [Suyuti, Tadrib, 215..]

Amra was considered a great authority on traditions related by A'isha. Among her students, Abu Bakr ibn Hazm, the celebrated judge of Medina, was ordered by the caliph Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz to write down all the traditions known on her authority [Ibn Sa'd, VIII, 353]

After them, 'Abida al-Madaniyya, 'Abda bin Bishr, Umm Umar al-Thaqafiyya, Zaynab the granddaughter of Ali ibn Abd Allah ibn Abbas, Nafisa bint al-Hasan ibn Ziyad, Khadija Umm Muhammad, 'Abda bint Abd al-Rahman, and many other members of the women gender excelled in delivering public lectures on hadith. These devout women came from the most diverse backgrounds, indicating that neither class nor gender were obstacles to rising through the ranks of Islamic scholarship. For example, Abida, who started life as a slave owned by Muhammad ibn Yazid, learnt a large number of hadiths with the teachers in Median. She was given by her master to Habib Dahhun, the great traditionist of Spain, when he visited the holy city on this way to the Hajj. Dahhun was so impressed by her learning that he freed her, married her, and brought her to Andalusia. It is said that she related ten thousand traditions on the authority of her Medinan teachers [Maqqari, Nafh, II, 96] 

Zaynab bint Sulayman (d. 142/759), by contrast, was princess by birth. Her father was a cousin of al-Saffah, the founder of the Abbasid dynasty, and had been a governor of Basra, Oman and Bahrayn during the caliphate of al-Mansur [Wustenfeld, Genealogische Tabellen, 403]

Zaynab, who received a fine education, acquired a mastery of hadith, gained a reputation as one of the most distinguished women traditionists of the time, and counted many important men among her pupils. [al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad, XIV, 434f.]

In the fourth century, we find Fatima bint Abd al-Rahman (d. 312/924), known as al-Sufiyya on account of her great piety; Fatima (granddaughter of Abu Daud of Sunan Abi Dawood); Amat al-Wahid (d. 377/987), the daughter of distinguished jurist al-Muhamili; Umm al-Fath Amat as-Salam (d. 390/999), the daughter of the judge Abu Bakr Ahmad (d.350/961); Jumua bint Ahmad, and many other women, whose classes were always attended by reverential audiences. [Ibid., XIV, 441-44.]

The Islamic tradition of female hadith scholarship continued in the fifth and sixth centuries of hijra. Fatima bin al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn al-Daqqaq al-Qushayri, was celebrated not only for her piety and her mastery of calligraphy, but also for her knowledge of hadith and the quality of the isnads she knew. [Ibn al-Imad, Shsadharat al-Dhahah fi Akhbar man Dhahah (Cairo, 1351), V, 48; Ibn Khallikan, no. 413.] 

 Even more distinguished was Karima al-Marwaziyya (d.463/1070), who was considered the best authority on the Sahih of al-Bukhari in her own time. Abu Dharr of Herat, one of the leading scholars of the period, attached such great importance to her authority that he advised his students to study the Sahih under no one else, because of the quality of her scholarship. She thus figures as a central point in the transmission of this seminal text of Islam [Ref: Maqqari, Nafh, I, 876; cited in Goldziher, Muslim Studies, II, 366.]

As a matter of fact, writes Goldziher, 'her name occurs with extraordinary frequency of the ijazas for narrating the text of this book.' Among her students were al-Khatib al-Baghdadi and al-Humaydi (428/1036-488/1095).[Goldziher, Muslim Studies, II, 366. "It is in fact very common in the ijaza of the transmission of the Bukhari text to find as middle member of the long chain the name of Karima al-Marwaziyya," (ibid.); Yaqut, Mu'jam al-Udaba', I, 247 and COPL, V/i, 98f.]

The Above passage originally appeared as Chapter 6, pp. 142-153, in Hadith Literature: Its Origin, Development, Special Features & Criticism by Dr. Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi (Sir Ashutosh Professor of Islamic Culture, Calcutta University; published by Calcutta University, 1961).  A revised edition is now available, rearranged and modified under the title, Hadith Literature: Its Origins, Development & Special Features published by Islamic Texts Society (Cambridge, 1993). The original edition is out of print.

Imam Dhahabi noted that amongst female narrators of hadeeth, there were none found to be fabricators. Women’s scholarly integrity and independence were unimpeachable. Naturally, any sexist male would have a problem admitting to these facts. Since women today participate so little in the teaching of Hadeeth and the issuing of fatwas, there is a wide misconception that historically they have never played this role. 

قال الإمام الحافظ الذهبي في كتابه ميزان الاعتدال في نقد رجال الحديث، اذ خرج فيه اربعة آلاف متهم من الرواة الرجال، ثم اتبع ذلك بقوله: "و ما علمت من انساء من اتهمت و لا من تركوها" (ميزان الاعتدال ٣٩٥/٣ )

There is a lot more than simply this ! You can read the entire Article from here :

See Women around the Messenger : 

Below mentioned are some of the famous female scholars (partial translation from the post of Shaykh Rafiq Tahir and Shaykh Sifat Alam from Kuwait and other works i came across)

1. `AISHA (ra)

Abu Musa al-Ash'ari says about her:

ما أشكل علينا أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حديث قط فسألنا عائشة إلا وجدنا عندها منه علما.

."Whenever we (the Companions) of Prophet peace be upon him had any difficulty on hadeeth, of which we approached Aisha and (always) found that she had the knowledge of the hadith ". [SunanTirmidhi hadith no: 3883]


Do you know Aisha? Aisha, the grand daughter of Abu Bakr, thereby the maternal niece of Aisha, our mother. May Allaah be pleased with them all.

She is Umm 'Imran Aisha bint Talha bin 'Ubaydullaah from the Quraysh, Al-Madaneeyah by residence. Her father, Talha bin 'Ubaydullaah, was one of the ten honorable companions our Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) bore witness of paradise for and her mother was Umm Kulthoom bint Abi Bakr As-Sideeq – may Allâh be pleased with her.

She was first married to her maternal cousin, Abdullaah ibn AbdurRahaman ibn Abi Bakr As-Sideeq. After his death, she married Mus’ab ibn Az-Zubayr. It was recorded that Mus'ab gave her a bride-price of one million dirham. Mus'ab was killed in Ibn Zubayr-Abdul Malik imbroglio. Little wonder she had a castle in the city of Taif. Later, 'Umar ibn 'Ubaydullaah ibn Ma'mar At-Taymee married her.

She narrated from her maternal aunt Aisha, the mother of the believers and many students narrated from her including the Imam ‘Ataa ibn Abi Rabaah, Habeeb ibn Abi ‘Amrah, her son Talha, and her nephews Moosa ibn ‘Abdullaah, Talha ibn Yahya and Mu’awiyyah ibn Ishaaq. She was eloquent, learned and grounded in the stories of the Arabs and their poetries. It is said that she took these from her aunt, our mother Aisha, may Allaah be pleased with her.

Abu Zuhr'ah Ad-Dimishqee said: a distinguished woman, people narrated from her because of her virtues and good manners.

The Imam Yahya ibn Ma'een said about her: a reliable narrator, a proof.

Ibn Hibban mentioned her among the reliable narrators.

She was severally described as from the most beautiful women of the Quraysh. May Allaah have Mercy on her.

You can find her narrations in the Kutubu-Sittah (the six canonical books) - Saheehs Al-Bukharee and Muslim, the Sunans of Abu Daawood, At-Tirmidhee, An-Nasaai and ibn Majah.

[Source: Tadheebul Kamaal of Al-Haafiz Al-Mizee – may Allaah bestow mercy on him., 
Translation: Abu AbdilBarr, Muhammad Balogun]

2. 'Amra bint 'Abdur Rahmaan (عمرۃ بنت عبدالرحمان) 

Ibn Shahab Zuhri (Tabiyee) said to Qasim bin Muhammad that i can see you are very keen to seek knowledge. Should i tell you about the treasure of knowledge? If you want to seek knowledge then learn from 
'Amra bint 'Abdur Rahmaan (عمرۃ بنت عبدالرحمان) . Qasim said when i went to her, i felt that she is the ocean of knowledge which cannot be dried [Siyar Aalam an-Nubala of ad-Dhahabi 4/508]

3. Scholars of third century  

These are some scholars who used to give lecture on ahadith and muhadditheen of that time would attend them.  

Abida who was a freed slave of Habeeb bin waleed, she used to narrate ahadith of the scholars of madina including Imam Malik bin Anas.  

The wife of Imam Ahmad bin Hanble with the name of Abbasa, Zainab bint Suleman, Umm Umar Thaqafiya, Nafeesa bint Hassan, Khadija umm Muhammad and many others.[ (المقتبس من أنباء الأندلس لابن حیان القرطبی 228/1)] 

4. Kareema (Karima) Bint Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hatim Al-Marwaziکریمة المروزيہ-   (D. 463 A.H)

She used to teach Saheeh Bukhari to the likes of Khateeb Baghdadi who used to reach Makkah from Baghdad to seek knowledge from her 

[Tareekh al Islam ad-Dahabee 10/223]

She was such a prolific scholar that giants like Imam khateeb al-Baghdadi (as described above); Imam Muhammad ibn Nadheer al-Humaydi (محمد بن نضیرالحمیدی ) ; As-sam`ani used to sit and learn from her. 

So much so that even the Muhaddith of Herat - Imam Abu Dhar (rahimahullah) used to ask his students to study Saheeh Bukhaari under no one else except her.  The scholars in the 5th century who achieved the stature and fame for teaching saheeh al-Bukhaari also included sayyidah Karima

Many other female scholars were famous for giving dars on saheeh al-Bukhaari. Among them were 

- Fatima bin Muhammad (D. 539) who was called or addressed with the title "Musnidah of Asfahan (in khorasan)" 

ومن العبارات التي فاه بها علماؤنا في كتب الحديث: حدثتني الشيخة المسندة الصالحة فلانة بنت فلان. و من أسماء راويات صحيح البخاري اللامعة: ست الوزراء وزيرة بنت محمد بن عمر بن أسعد بن المنجي التنوخية، و كريمة بنت أحمد المروزية، و قد ذكرهما ابن حجر العسقلاني في مقدمة كتابه فتح الباري.  (فتح الباري ٧/١ )

5.  Al-Wazaara bint 'Umar (الوزراء بنت عمر) 

She used to teach sahih Bukhari in Damishq and egypt 

[۔(ذیل التقیید فی رواۃ السنن والأسانید 397/2)]

`Abdul Hayy ibn Ahmad Ibnal-`Imad in his work Shadhrat ad-dhahab fi-Akhbar man-dhahab [Shaykh `Abdul Qadri arnout and Muhammad arnout have worked on this. It is published from Beirut ; Dar ibn Kather publications] quoted that she was known as "Musnidal-Waqt " 

Imam adh-dhahabi stated that he learnt Saheeh al-Bukhari and Musnad Ash-shaf`ee from her. 
6. Umm Ahmad Zainab bint Al-Makki al-Khuzai (ام احمد زینب بنت المکی)  - D. 688 A.H

She was 90 years old and she was a teacher of scholars and she used to teach Musnad Imam Ahmad. 

[Ref: شذرات الذہب 607/7 ]

7. Umm Ibrahim Fatimah Al-Jawzdaani (ام ابراهیم فاطمه جوزدانی) 

She used to teach Mu`jam at-Tabrani 

(تاریخ اسلام ۔ت:تدمری 126/43)

8. Umm Salma Fatmah and Fatima bint 'Abdul Rahmaan

Grand daughter of Imam Abu Dawood, Umm salma fatimah was famous muhadditha of that time, Fatimah bint Abdul Rahman was also a muhadditha of that time

[(تاریخ بغداد،ط: العلمیۃ 442/14) ]

9 Shaheedah bint Ahmad (.شہدۃ بنت احمد) d. 574 A.H 

She was known or titled as "Fakhrun-Nisaa" (the pride of women) because of her knowledge and students. 

[Ref: تاریخ بغداد ، ط: العلمیۃ394/15 ]

10. Scholars used to attend lectures of these muhaddithaat  

Ummah Al-Wahida bint Qazi Abi Abdullah Hussain bin Ismaeel Al-Mahali (امة الواحد بنت قاضی ابی عبداﷲ حسین بن اسماعیل المحاملی) 

(تاریخ اسلام ، ت:بشار 437/8)

Umm Al-Fath ummah islam bint Qazi Ahmad bin Kamil Baghdadiya (ام الفتح امۃ السلام بنت القاضی احمد بن کامل بغدادیہ)

(تاریخ اسلام ، ت:بشار 465/8) 

ام الحسین جمعۃبنت احمد المحیۃ. Umm Hussain Jummah bint Ahmad Al-Mahiya

(تاریخ اسلام ، ت:بشار 634/16)

فاطمہ بنت ہلال الکرجیہ - Fatimah bint Halal Al-Karajeeh 

(تاریخ اسلام ، ت:بشار 635/16) 

طاہرۃ بنت احمد ا لتنوخیہ - Tahirah bint Ahmad Al-Tanukhee 

(تاریخ اسلام ، ت:بشار 635/16) 

11. Sath al Rakab 'Ali , Zainab bint 'Abdullah & Bint Ibn Qudama Maqdisi 

Sister of Famous Ibn Hajar asqalani the commentator of Sahih Bukhari, with the name of Sath Al-Rakab Ali -(ست الرکب علی,) 

- Niece of Ibn Tamiya with the name of Zainab bint Abdullah (-زینب بنت عبداﷲ,)

- The daughter of Ibn Qudama Maqdisi and many others were great muhaddithaat [الدررالکامنۃ فيعیان المائۃ الثا منۃ]

12. The author of Tareekh Damishq, Ibn Asakir mentioned in a treatise of his about approx 80- 83 of his teachers that they were Muhaddithaat (Female scholars of hadith), 

Imam Abu sa`d as-sam`ani rahimahullah benefited from approx 69 muhaddithaat

Hafidh Abu Tahir salafi rahimahullah narrated from approx the chain via 10 muhaddithat

Imam ibn Jawzi rahimahullah learnt from 3 muhaddithaat 

Imam Ibnul Qayyim learnt saheeh bukhari from `Aisha bint Muhammad ibn Shaykh Ibrahim

Imam ibn Hajar narrated in his bulugh al-maram from approx 20 muhaddithaat and benefited hugely also from his sister 

Imam ibn `Asakir studied Muwatta Imam Malik from Zainab bint `Abdur rahman 

Imam suyuti rahimahullah studied Risalah Imam shaf`ee from Hajra bint Muhammad 

and so on....

13. Nafeesa bint Ibraheem was teacher of Famous Imam ad-Dahabee, 

14- Sath Al-Arab bint Mohammad Al-Bukhari (-ست العرب بنت محمد البخاری

She was teacher of Famous Hafidh Al-Haythamee (not Haytami) and Hafidh al-Iraqi. 

(الاعلام للزرکلی 77/3) 

15 - Umm Zaynab Fatimah bint 'Abbaas al-Baghdadiyyah (the student of Ibn Taymiyyah, and the teacher of many including the women-folk of al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer)

Bio # 1: 

…she was buried in al-Qaraafah, close to the area known as Bawrash. Buried there as well, was the 'Aalimah (the scholar), the Faqeehah (the jurist), the Zaahidah (the ascetic), the Qaanitah (the devout worshiper), the Sayyidah (the leading lady) of her time, the preacher; Umm Zaynab Fatimah bint 'Abbaas al-Baghdadiyyah, the Shaykhah of Egypt.

She died at the age of eighty plus years. A large number of people attended her Funeral. A vast number of women benefited from her and consequently practiced repentance. She had an abundance of intelligence and knowledge.

She was content with little, keen on benefiting and reminding others, she was sincere, God fearing and used to order the good.

The women of Damascus were rectified through her, then the women of Egypt. She was widely loved and honored by people. May Allah have mercy upon her, I visited her one time.

[Shadharaat al-Dhahab: 6/33]

 Bio # 2:

The great explainer of the Quraan, Imaam Ibn Kathir, may Allaah have mercy on him, said, “And on the Day of ’Arafah did pass away the Shaikhah, the righteous one, the worshipper, the pious one: Umm Zainab Faatimah the daughter of ’Abbaas ibn Abil-Fath ibn Muhammad al-Baghdaadiyyah on the outskirts of Cairo, a huge number of people attended her funeral, and she was from the virtuous scholars, enjoining the good and forbidding the evil and standing against the Ahmadiyyah [a Sufi sect] and their association with women and boys, and she would refute their condition and the foundations of the people of innovations and others, and of that she would do what men were not able to.

And she used to attend the gatherings of the Shaikh [of Islaam] Taqiyuddin Ibn Taimiyyah and benefitted from him and others, and I heard Shaikh Taqiyuddin [i.e., Ibn Taymiyyah] praise her and describe her as having nobility and knowledge and he mentioned that she was able to recall [i.e., had memorised] much or most of Al-Mughni and that he [i.e., the Shaikh of Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah himself] would prepare for her due to the numerous matters [that she would discuss] and the excellent nature of her questions and the speed of her understanding, and she was the one who caused many women to finish memorising the Quraan, from them was my mother-in-law `Aishah bint Siddeeq the wife of the Shaikh Jamaalud-Deen al-Mizzee, and she is the one who taught her daughter, my wife, Amatur-Raheem Zainab, how to recite the Quraan, may Allaah have mercy on them all and be bountiful to them with His Mercy and His Paradise, Aameen.”

And As-Safadi said, “Faatimah the Daughter of ’Abbaas ibn Abil-Fath: the Shaikhah, the Female Scholar Capable of Giving Religious Verdicts [Muftiyyah], the Scholar of Fiqh [al-Faqeehah], the One Who Abstained from the Dunya [az-Zaahidah], the [Devoted] Worshipper [al-’Aabidah], Umm Zainab al-Baghdaadiyyah, al-Hanbaliyyah, the Admonisher.

She would ascend the minbar and exhort the women, and thus would they return [to righteousness] due to her admonition and leave off evil, groups of women benefitted from her exhortations and, after having been hard, their hearts softened towards obedience … and Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah have mercy on him, would be amazed at her actions and would praise her intelligence, her devoutness [khushoo] and her crying.

More than one person related to me that Shaikh Taqiyuddin Ibn Taymiyyah said, ‘I remained concerned about an issue related to her for she ascends the minbar [to exhort the women] and I wanted to prevent her, so I fell asleep one night and I saw the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in a dream and so I asked him about her, and he replied, ‘A righteous woman,’ or he said something similar …’

And she, may Allaah the Most High have mercy on her, passed away on the Day of ’Arafah in the year 714 ah [1314ce].”

[Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah of Ibn Kathir, vol. 14, p. 82 and A’yaanul-Asr wa A’waanun-Nasr of as-Safadi, vol. 4, p. 28.]

 Bio # 3 :

The last we saw there was the righteous scholar, the best of women of her time; Umm Zaynub Fatimah bint 'Abbaas al-Baghdadiyyah. She died on Dhul Hijjah, 714 H past the age of eighty.

She was a jurist, knowledgeable, ascetic, satisfied with little, a devout worshiper, a preacher, keen on benefiting and reminding, sincere, God fearing and a promoter of good.

A lot of the women of Damascus and Egypt benefited from her, she was widely loved and accepted.

Every female teacher in that area was called 'al-Baghdadiyyah' after her.

We saw that [the institution she taught in] used to shelter and take care of women who were divorced or abandoned until they remarried or returned to their husbands. This was a preservation for them due to the stress and upmost care given to regularly practicing the different forms of worship…She used discipline those who swayed from the path with what she saw was appropriate.

Then when times got worse in the era of the Fitan after 806 H, the state of the establishment deteriorated and women who would regularly frequent it would be imprisoned. There continues to be good there, and Qadi al-Qudat al-Hanafi took over its supervison.

[al-Mawaa'idh wal 'Itibaar: 3/194]

The above points are Benefited from Shaykh 'Aasim al-Qaryooti through Shaykh 'Abdul Mun'im al-Dhakar and taken some points from brother asim ul-haq.

Another of these brilliant women were achieved a high level of knowledge was the daughter of Sa`id ibn al-Musayyab, the scholar of his age, who refused to marry his daughter to the khalifah, `Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, and instead married her to one of his righteous students, `Abdullah ibn Wada`ah. `Abdullah went in to his wife, who was one of the most beautiful of people, and one of the most knowledgeable in Qur'an, Sunnah and the rights and duties of marriage. In the morning, `Abdullah got up and was preparing to go out. His wife asked him, "Where are you going?" He said, "To the circle of your father Sa`id ibn al-Musayyab, so that I may learn." She said, "Sit down; I will teach you what Sa`id knows." For one month, `Abdullah did not attend Sa`id's circle beacuse the knowledge that this beautiful young girl had learned from her father (and was passing on to him) was sufficient.

Another of these prominent female scholars was Fatimah, the daughter of the author of Tuhfat al-fuqaha', `Ala' al-Din al-Samarqandi (d. 539 AH). She was a faqihah and scholar in her own right: she had learned fiqh from her father and had memorized his book al-Tuhfah. Her father married her to his student `Ala' al-Din al-Kasani, who was highly distinguished in the fields of al-usul and al-furu'. He wrote a commentary on Tuhfat al-fuqaha' entitled Bada'i` al-sana'i`, and showed it to his shaykh, who was delighted with it and accepted it as a mahr for his daughter, although he had refused offers of marriage for her from some of the kings of Byzantium.. The fuqaha' of his time said, "He commentated on his Tuhfah and married his daughter." Before her marriage, Fatimah used to issue fatwas along with her father, and the fatwas would be written in her handwriting and that of her father. After she married the author of al-Bada'i`, the fatwas would appear in her handwriting and that of her father and her husband. Her husband would make mistakes, and she would correct them.
[Ref: Tuhfat al-fuqaha', 1/12.]

 `A'ishah, the other wives of the Prophet (sallalahu `alayhi wa sallam), the daughter of Sa`id ibn al-Musayyab, Fatimah al-Samarqandi and other famous women scholars were not something unique or rare among Muslim women. There were innumerable learned women, who studied every branch of knowledge and became prominent in many fields. Ibn Sa`d devoted a chapter of al-Tabaqat to reports of Hadith transmitted by women, in which he mentioned more than seven hundred women who reported Hadith from the Prophet (sallalahu `alayhi wa sallam), or from the trustworthy narrators among the sahabah; from these women in turn, many prominent scholars and imams also narrated Hadith.

Al-Hafiz ibn `Asakir (d. 571 AH), one of the most reliable narrators of hadith, who was so trustworthy that he was known as hafiz al-ummah, counted eighty-odd women among his shaykhs and teachers

[Ref: Tabaqat al-shafi'iyyah, 4/273.]

 If we bear in mind that this scholar never left the eastern part of the Islamic world, and never visited Egypt, North Africa or Andalusia - which were even more crowded with women of knowledge - we will see that the number of learned women he never met was far greater than those from whom he did receive knowledge.

The position of these great women is enhanced by the fact that they were sincere and truthful, far above any hint of suspicion or doubt - a status that many men could not reach. This was noted by Imam al-Hafiz al-Dhahabi in Mizan al-I`tidal, where he states that he found four thousand men about whose reports he had doubts, then follows that observation with the comment

ما علمت في النساء من اتهمت ولا من تركوها

 I don't know of any woman (in narrating) who is accused of lying or who is rejected
[Meezan ul I'tedaal 4/604, via `Abdul raheem ]

One of the phrases used by scholars in the books of hadith is: "Al-shaykhah al-musnidah al-salihah so-and-so the daughter of so-and-so told me . . ." Among the names mentioned by Imam Bukhari are: Sitt al-Wuzara' Wazirah bint Muhammad ibn `Umar ibn As`ad ibn al-Munajji al-Tunukhiyyah and Karimah bint Ahmad al-Maruziyyah. They are also mentioned by Ibn Hijr al-`Asqallani in the introduction to Fath al-Bari

[Ref: Fath al-Bari, 1/7.]

16- `Aisha bint Muhammad ibn `Abdul Hadi (D. 816 A.H) 

She was gifted the art of science of hadeeth. Some of the scholars said about her in praise

الشیخة الخیرة رحلة الدنیا۔

Hafidh ibn Hajar has studied many books from her and also narrated from her (i.e via her chain)

17- Umm Muhammad Sayyida Bint Musa ibn `Uthman al-Misriyya

She was a scholar of such calibre that Ameerul Mu'mineen fil-Hadeeth Imam Dhahabi (D. 748 A.H) travelled all the way to egypt to learn from her but unfortunately when he arrived he learnt that she died just 10 days before his arrive (Subhanallah allah has his ways). Being very sad at this news he penned down his expression and his praise for her in Tareekhul-Islam (Q:246) with this:

كنت أتلهّف على لقيّها ، ورحلتُ إلى مصر وعلمي أنّها باقية ، فدخلتُ فوجدتُها قد ماتت من عشرة أيّام. وقد 

Translated from the article of Shaykh Sifat Alam Madani in Kuwait 

18- Zainab bint Muzzafar (D. 709 A.H)
She is known by the title of " The seal of Muhaddithat of Hijaz" [خاتمہ محد ثات الحجاز] 

19- Ummul Khayr Fatima bint `Ali (D 532 A.H)

She used to teach saheeh Muslim to many students

20- Zainab bint Kamal (D. 740 A.H) used to teach Musnad Imam Abi Haneefah, Shamail Tirmidhi, Sharh Ma`ni al-Athar of Imam tahawi

21- Lubna, the scribe of the Caliph al Hakam bin Abdul Rahman.

Ibn Bashkawaal d (578 h) said in his book

لبنى، كاتبة الخليفة الحكم بن عبد الرحمن.
كانت حاذقة بالكتابة، نحوية شاعرة، بصيرة بالحساب، مشاركة في العلم، لم يكن في قصرهم أنبل منها، وكانت عروضية، خطاطة جدا. وتوفيت سنة أربع وسبعين وثلاث مائة.

“Lubna, the scribe of the Caliph al Hakam bin Abdul Rahman.

She excelled in writing, grammar, and poetry, Had great knowledge of mathematics, she was proficient in knowledge (of other sciences as well), There were no one in the palace as noble as her... She died in 374 h.

[Kitab al Sila Fe Tareekh Aa`ima al Andulas 1/653 shamela, [english translation] taken from ballandalus wordpress com; copied from asim ul-haq's fb wall. ]

More can be benefited from :

Female Students of Knowledge in Damaaj - Yemen (present times 2013)

Umm ‘Abdillaah bint Muqbil bin Haadee Al-Waadi’iyyah

1. The righteous Shaykhah Umm ‘Abdillaah ‘Aa’ishah Bint Muqbil Ibn Haadi, Al-Wadi’eeyah:

She is one who loves the Sunnah and calls to Allaah upon knowledge and understanding, and is a strong researcher who hates blind following and strives on understanding the proof and acting upon it. Her students love her and she loves them with a strong love, and Allaah benefited her students by her, and made some of them callers to Allaah as well.She teaches them in “As-Sunnah” by Ibn Abee ‘Aasim, and “Qatarun-Nadaa” and she has previously taught “Al-Qawlul-Mufeed” by the esteemed Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhaab Al-Wasaabee, and ” Fath Al-Majeed Sharh Kitaabit-Tawheed” and other books as well. And from what she has authored are “Naseehatee lin-Nisaa” (My Advice to the Women), which has been published (by Daar Al-Athaar). Also “ As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min As-Shamaa’il Al-Muhammadiyyah” published (by Daar Al-Athaar). And a treatise that is waiting to be printed, “Al-’Ilm wal-’Ulemaa” She is currently working on the verification and explanation of ” As-Sunnah” by Ibn Abee ‘Aasim including the fiqh of some of the matters and the benefits of others, the religious importance of traveling for knowledge, and the rulings on the ahadith, authentic and weak, without blindly following anyone from the people of this time or other than them. She is also working on “As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min As-Seerati An-Nabawiyyah” and she also has a beneficial commentary on “Bulagh Al Maraam” by Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar. All of this she does along with answering letters that are sent to her from within Yemen and outside of it, and Allaah has made it sufficient for her to continue the journey in the service of the Prophet’s Sunnah, and may Allaah protect her and her students from ignorant partisanship Ameen.

2. And she has an older sister, Umm ‘Abdillaah Al-Wadi’eeyyah. She is one who loves the good. She teaches within the limits of her capabilities what she is able with all of her responsibilities. May Allaah give us success and guide her to good. Verily He is Bountiful and Generous.

Umm Shu’ayb As-Salafiyyah Al-Waadi’iyyah

3. Umm Shu’ayb As-Salafiyyah Al-Wadi’eeyyah (and she is a wife of Shaykh Muqbil): An excellent woman who fears Allaah and who has love for the sunnah and the people of the sunnah. She has excellent character. She teaches her sisters in Qur’aan memorization with tajweed. In addition, she has studied with some of her sisters “Al-Qawlul-Mufeed” from our esteemed brother, the shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhaab Al-Wasaabee. She has also studied “At-Tihfat As-Sunniyah” and “Al-Mutamama ” and “as-Sifaat As-Salaah” by Shaykh Al-Albaanee. Umm Shu’ayb has authored, “As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min Fadaa’il Ahlil Baytu An-Nabawee” with clarification of what it needs from the explanation of some of the words. She is now working on ” As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min Al-Adaab An-Nabawee“, as well as reviewing books of explanation and recalling some of the benefits and elucidating some of the general expressions in the book. And may Allaah grant her good.
She continues upon good and gaining beneficial knowledge. She attends my lessons and other lectures from behind a curtain. May Allaah keep her firm and strong on the truth and benefit Islaam and the Muslims by her. And in spite of all this, she serves me and helps me with my research as well as one could possibly wish. And may Allaah grant her good.

Umm Salama As-Salafiyyah

4. Umm Salama As-Salafiyyah (and she is a wife of Shaykh Muqbil): An excellent, ascetic caller to Allaah on firm knowledge, and she has excellent character. She teaches her sisters from ” At-Tihfat As-Sunniya“, “Al-Mutamama“, “Al-Baa’ith Al-Hatheeth“, “Al-Qawlul-Mufeed“, “Al-Aqeedatul-Waasatiyyah“, “Al-Mufrad Al-’Ilm ” and “Al-Mulhah” through memorization and studying the explanations. And one of her books, “Al-Intisa lill-Muminaat“, is under publication, as well as a refutation of Az-Zandaani that she authored, which is an extremely beneficial research work. And she is now working on “al-Adaab al- Mufrad,” discussing what needs to be discussed regarding the narrators in the chains of narration. She also mentions the points of benefit from the fiqh of hadeeth, and the explanation of strange words within it and the verification of sources of the ahadith as needed. She has not ceased to continue upon the good and learning from the beneficial knowledge. She attends my classes and other lectures from behind a curtain. May Allaah make her firm upon the truth and benefit Islam and the Muslims by her. And in spite of all this, she serves me and helps me with my research as well as one could possibly wish. And may Allaah grant her good.

Umm Ibraaheem Al-Waadi’iyyah

5. Umm Ibrahim Al-Wadi’eeyah

Umm Ibraaheem bint Hassan Al-Hadhramiyyah

6. Umm Ibrahim Bint Hassan Ibn Ali Isa Al-Jaybutiyah then Al-Hadhramiyyah: A woman who calls to Allaah.

Umm Ibraaheem Al-Haashidiyyah

7. Umm Ibrahim Khadijah Al-Haashidiyya: An excellent woman. She has understanding and is diligent regarding the lessons.

Umm Usaamah Al-Mahwitiyyah

8. Umm Usamah Al-Mahwitiya: Memorizer of Allaah’s book.

Umm Usaamah Nurah bint Alee Al-Abbaasiyyah

9. Umm Usamah Nurah Ibn Ali Al-Abbaasiyah Al-Amraaniyah: An excellent woman caller; memorizes the Qur’aan. She benefits her sisters and is one who benefits.

Umm Asmaa bint Alee Jibreel

 10. Umm Asma Bint Ali Jibreel: And outstanding woman, diligent -she has understanding and knowledge.

Umm Ayyoob Al-Waadi’iyyah

11. Umm Ayyoub Al-Wadi’eeyyah

12. Umm Hudhayfah Bint Al-Furjaanee Al-Libiyah: For six years she has sought knowledge in Dammaaj and she is an excellent woman. She has understanding and knowledge.

13. Umm Saalim Al- Waadi’eeyyah: She is an excellent woman and an effective lecturer.

14. Umm Salamah Hind Al-Haashidiyyah

15. Umm Sulaim Hudaa Bint ‘Ali Al-’Abbaasiyyah Al-’Amraaniyyah: An outstanding, hardworking woman, persevering on participating in the lessons.

16. Umm Sulayman Al-Shawkaaniyyah: An outstanding woman, possessing understanding and knowledge.

17. Umm Saabir Bint Al-Haamid: An outstanding woman who benefits.

18. Umm Taariq Bint ‘Ali Ibn ‘Eedroos Al-Haashimiyyah Al-Hajiyyah

19. Umm ‘Abdir Rahmaan Ibtisaam Bint ‘Imraan Ibn Hussain Ibn Saalih Al-Aswad Al-Zaawee Al-Libiyyah: An outstanding, diligent woman, she has understanding and is hardworking on her lessons.

20. Umm ‘Abdir Rahmaan Bint Naasir Ibn Karoo Al- ‘Adaniyyah: She has memorized twenty juz of Qur’aan.

21. Umm ‘Abdillaah Al-Bi’daaniyyah Bint ‘Abdillaah Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Hameed Al-Khayaat: She teaches our sisters in grammar, the grading of ahaadeeth, and tawheed and is a lecturer. She is close to finishing memorization of the Qur’aan.

22. Umm ‘Abdillaah Bint Saalim Al-Wasaabiyyah: Memorizer of Allaah’s Book

23. Umm ‘Abdillaah Bint ‘Abdillaah Al-Wasaabiyyah: Memorizer of Allaah’s Book

24. Umm ‘Abdillaah Bint ‘Abdillaah Ibn Ahmad Al-Salawiyyah: Memorizer of the Qur’aan

25. Umm ‘Ammaar Al- Maaramiyyah Al-’Adaniyyah: An excellent woman caller and memorizer of the Qur’aan and she has a work currently being published, “Bulugh Al-Hujja fi Sitr Wahida.“

26. Umm ‘Amr Al- Waadi’eeyyah: An excellent woman, she memorizes Qur’aan and she is now working on a verification on Ash-Shawkani’s treatise on the prohibited pictures

27. Umm Al-Fidaa Al-’Adaniyyah: An outstanding, hardworking woman

28. Umm Al- Fadal Bint Hussain Thaamir

29. Umm Maazan Bint ‘Abdillaah Ahmad ‘Abdaan: An outstanding female caller

30. Umm Mas’oub Bint Balqaasim Ibn Muhammad Al-Surmaani Al-Libiyyah: An excellent, hardworking woman

31. Umm Mus’ab Bint Muhammad Ibn Thaab it Ibn ‘Aqlaan Al- Hakimi Al-’Adaniyyah: An excellent, beneficial woman

32. Umm Mas’ab Mariam Al-’Adaniyyah: An outstanding woman who loves the sunnah, loves beneficial knowledge, and calls to Allaah upon knowledge and understanding. May Allaah strengthen us and unite us upon the truth, Ameen

33. Umm Mu’aadh Al-Warashafaaniyya Al-Libiyyah: She is memorizing ” Al-Aqeedatu Al-Wasatiyyah“

34. Umm Musa Bint ‘Umar Al-Hushabiyyah:-and she has understanding and is memorizing the Noble Qur’aan

35. Shaheedah Umm ‘Abdillaah Fawrad Al-Britanniyya Al-Muhaajirah: And she is a woman aspiring to spend her time diligently in obtaining the knowledge, spending a great deal of her time in the masjid, reviewing and benefiting.

 وفق الله الجميع لما يحب ويرضى .

هذا وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

Umm Mujaahid Khadeejah Bint Lacina

Rabi’ath-Thaani 4, 1424 Sana’a, Yemen


  1. Assalaam Alaikum, how does one go about getting in touch with one of these sister teaching today?

    1. {{with one of these }}

      walaykum Assalam. dear brother/sister, the females mentioned in this article are from the salaf, except the one's in yemen. Yemen is a war torn nation at the moment. If you are a male then you don't need to go to women because of ample male shuyukh present today across the globe and internet. If you are a female then i can help guide you towards some sources from the khaleej (gulf) depending on your location. If you are a female and need women teachers you can inbox us at


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