
Wednesday, 25 July 2012



I was first introduced to this hadith by my beloved friend, Faizan Shaikh. No Act of Islam is accepted unless it is Done for the sake of Allah alone and if it is done in accordance to the method taught by rasool (s.a.w) and his companions (r.a.a). The Proof for this is below. If your I.Q is above Zero then the below 474 Words will change your Life! (In sha Allah)

Note : There are umpteen no. of virtues enlisted in the Quran by Allah and also through ahadeeth transmitted from rasool (s.a.w). I will quote one such verse and one such hadith before i Begin the actual hadith/ topic of this document :

Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who did so after it]. Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterwards and fought. [Quran Al Hadeed 57:10]

Prophet (s.a.w) said " My Ummah will divide into 73 sects, All of them will be in Fire except one. the companions asked "Who will be that one?" Rasool (s.a.w) replied " those who are on (or follow) the path of me and my companions 

[Ref:  at-Tirmidhee (no.2643), Ibn Waddaah in al-Bidýah (p.85), al-Aajurree in ash-Shareeýah (p.15) and in al-Arbaýeen, al-Haakim (1/128-129), Ibn Nasr in as-Sunnah (no.62), al-Laalikaaýee in as-Sunnah (no.147), Ibn al-Jawzee in Talbees Iblees (p.16) and al-Uqailee in ad-Duýafaaý (2/262) from the hadeeth of Abdullah ibn Amr]

Moral : Obey Allah, His messenger (s.a.w) and his sahabas (r.a.a)


We used to sit in front of Abdullah ibn Masoud's (r.a) house before the Fajr prayer waiting to go with him to the Masjid. Abou Mousa al-Ash`aarie (r.a) came and asked us: 'Did Abu Abdurrahman (i.e. Ibn Masoud) leave yet?' 

We answered: 'No.'

So Abou Mousa Al-Ashaari (r.a) sat with us waiting for him. When he came out, we all stood up. Abou Mousa Al Ashaari (r.a) told him:

"Oh, Abu Abdurrahman (i.e Abdullah ibn Masood) ! I recently saw something in the Masjid which I did not approve."

Ibn Masoud then asked: "What was it?"

Abou Mousa said: "You will see it if you stay alive..In the Masjid, I saw a group of people sitting in circles waiting for the Salat. Each circle is led by a person. And every person in these circles carries small stones.

The leader of a circle would say: 'Say 'Allah-u Akbar' a hundred times,' they will say Allah-u Akbar a hundred times; then he says 'Say 'La ilaha Illa Allah', a hundred times" they will say La ilaha ill Allah a hundred times; he they says: 'Say 'Subhan Allah', a hundred times, they will say Subhana Allah a hundred times.

Then Ibn Masoud said: "What did you tell them?"

He (Abu mousa al ashaari) said: 'I didn't say anything, I wanted to wait for your opinion."

Abdullah ibn Masoud (angrily) said: "Could you not order them to count their sins, and assured them of getting their rewards."
Then Abdulah ibn Masoud went ahead and we accompanied him. As he approached one of the circles, he said: "What is this that you are doing?"

They said: "Oh! Abu Abdurrahman, these are pebbles to count the number of times we say Allah-u Akbar, La ilaha Ill Allah, and Subhana Allah."

He said: "Count your own sins, and I assure you that you are not going to lose anything of your rewards (Hasanat).. Woe unto you, people of Muhammad, how fast you will be doomed. Those are your Prophet's companions available, these are his clothes not worn out yet, and his pots are not broken yet. I swear by Whom my soul is in His Hands that you are either following a religion that is better than the Prophet's religion or you are opening a door of aberration."

They said: "We swear by Allah, oh, Abu Abdurrahman, that we had no intention other than doing good deeds."

He said: "So what? How many people wanted to do good deeds but never got to do them? The Prophet of Allah has told us about people who recited the Qur'an with no effect on them other than the Qur'an passing through their throats. I swear by Allah, I am almost sure that most of you are from that type of people."

Then he (Ibn Masood) left them.

Amr Ibn Salamah said: "We saw most of the people of those circles fighting us with the Khawarij in the battle of An-Nahrawan." 

i.e All those people who wanted to do good deeds by innovating a practise in Islam, were fighting against the sahabas in the battle of nahrawan i.e. they were in the gangs/army of the khawarijites (accursed) 

[Ref: - Related by Ad-Daremie (204) and Abu Na`eim with an authentic chain. Authenticated by Al-Haithamee (Al-Majma, 1/181, 189), Al-Haitamee (Az-Zawaajir, Al-Kabeerah #51 ), Al-Albaanee (As-Saheehah, 2005; Ar-Radd alal-Habashee, p.45-47), Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbaad (Al-Hathth alat-tibaa-is-Sunnah, p.49), Bakr Aboo Zaid (Tas-heeh-ud-Duaa’, p.149, 153, 154), Husayn Asad (Musnad-ud-Daarimee, 210), Amr Saleem (Al-Bida libn Waddaah, 27), Al-Hilaalee (Al-Bidah, p.44-47), Al-Halabee (Ihkaam-ul-Mabaanee, p.55-58), Al-Huwainee (Al-Bidah wa Aathaaruhaa (1), 03:45), Mashhoor Salmaan (Al-Amr bil-Ittibaa, p.83-84), Zakariyyaa Al-Baakistaanee (Taudeeh-ul-Usool ) and others.]

Imam al-Haythami brought this narration in his Majma az-zawaid (1/181)under the chapter title "Following the ways of the salaf" 

Ibn Hajar brought this narration in Mataalib al-`Aaliyah (2998) under the chapter title "Warning others against bid`ah"

Ad-Darimi mentioned this under the title "The Dislike of acting upon mere opinion" 

Didn't understand yet? have some doubts? Read further 

The objection of 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood was not with the words "Allahu Akbar..." loudly or with the "Dhikr of Allah" (Remembrance of Allah), rather what the sahaabas objected was a new method and technique of dhikr which was not taught by the prophet (s.a.w) for gaining rewards. People may think that this is too harsh or probably too strict, however, a hadeeth comes to my mind which says : 

Anas ibn Malik said to his people, “Indeed, you indulge in actions which are as insignificant to you as a hair, while at the time of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, we considered them to be destructive sins.”
[Sahih Bukhari, Book 76, Number 499]

Hence knowing that the best of people were the sahaabas , who adhered to the teachings of the prophet (s.a.w) in the best of ways and when they object to something, we (Muslims) better pay Attention !!

 We have ahadeeth wherein the sahaabas (r.a.a) also made dhikr loudly such as after the fardh salah and etc, so the objection of  'Abdullah ibn Masood (r.a) and the other sahabaas was on this new method of dhikr which wasn't taught by the prophet (s.a.w) and not at the dhikr  because the man responded to Ibn Mas'ud (r.a) by saying

 "we were only learning or teaching each other some dua'as, rather what he said was that we only intended to earn good deeds" 

and even though his statement or intention may be good but prophet (s.a.w) said in Sahih al Bukhaari that " Any action which does not match with ours is rejected" 

The very reason that people have taken bid'ah lightly we today have masajids filled with people/groups sitting in circles chanting "hu hu he he" or some other idiotic sufi mantras which has nothing to do with Islam 

Click on the below link please to know more:


Conclusion : 

No Matter what your Mullah, Mufti, Peer, Shaikh tells you or no Matter how good you think an action is, It will never be good until it is taught by the prophet (s.a.w) or his sahabas (r.a.a). 

Prophet (s.a.w) said " If anyone introduces an innovation, he will be responsible for it. If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in religion), he is cursed by Allah, by His angels, and by all the people [Ref: Abu Dawood, Book 39, Hadith 4515]



  1. Different way to look at it.

    1. {{it does not have any trace in the books of hadith.}}

      I Believe akh, you need to have a look at the reference I gave and search for this narration yourself to find it in the “book of hadeeth”

      {{Those who think that Abdullah [Ibn Mas`ud] used to prohibit the dhikr! I never sat with Abdullah [Ibn Mas`ud] in a gathering
      save that he did dhikr in it.”}}

      There is a difference in prohibiting loud dhikr (such as halaqas done to teach students and etc)in general and the action of Ibn Mas`ood (r.a). It has been clearly explained the reason and intention behind forbidding what Ibn Mas`ood (r.a) along with the other sahaaba forbade. It is not speaking of a general dhikr, rather an innovation in regards to both time, place and methodology.

      The document very openly clarifies this in the statement :

      We have ahadeeth wherein the sahaabas (r.a.a) also made dhikr loudly such as after the fardh salah and etc, so the objection of 'Abdullah ibn Masood (r.a) and the other sahabaas was on this new method of dhikr which wasn't taught by the prophet (s.a.w) and not at the dhikr because the man responded to Ibn Mas'ud (r.a) by saying . End Quote

      So we aren’t debating loud dhikr or halaqas that are permissible from Sunnah , what we are debating is to associate or innovate a methdology that isn’t found in the Sunnah – for e.g the Sufi raqs or halaqas.

      Also, Allah says in the Qur`an to ask the people of dhikr but we all know this does not mean go and ask any Mas`il from some layman who indulges in tasbeeh . Similarly the word “loud dhikr” has a context and limitation to apply. It cannot be used as and how one wills. So we are not debating loud adhkaar which are required in some particular situations, rather this document clearly focused on understanding the evil of innovation even if the intention was good (such as this dhikr)

  2. Please go through this link


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